📁 Showcase
Visit Sheet

Visit sheet


1. Variables

// picker variable for customer type

ensure var VarSetOfTextCustomerType kind: setOfText 
  deploy: fixedOnDeploy 
  value: "<root>
      <node key='keyDistributor'>Distributor</node>
      <node key='keyDealer'>Dealer</node>

2. VisitBook

// this spreadsheet stores item information

ensure spreadsheet: VisitBook
  withFields: [Date, VisitedBy, CustomerName, MobileNumber, CustomerType, GSTNo, Location, Image1, Image2, Remarks]
  ofTypes: [date, pickUser, text, mobileNumber, pickText, text, location, camera, camera, paragraph]
  removeRoleSet: [Owner]
  insertRoleSet: [Owner, Agent]
  updateRoleSet: [Owner, Agent]
  readRoleSet: [Owner, $Manager]

ensure form EntityVisit
  commentRoleSet: [Employee]
  chatLabelField: Details.CustomerName

ensure section: Details
ensure field Date defaultValue: "now"
ensure field VisitedBy disabled: true roleDataSource: [$Self] defaultValue: $Self
ensure field CustomerType sourceVar: VarSetOfTextCustomerType defaultOptionId: "keyDealer"
ensure field Location disabled: false required: false captureUser: false captureMode: onInsert
ensure field Image1 label: "Image 1" showLabel: false
ensure field Image2 label: "Image 2" showLabel: false
ensure field GSTNo label: "GST No"
ensure field Remarks lineCount: 5

ensure spreadsheet VisitBook queryables: [Date, VisitedBy] 

ensure layoutSpreadsheet ListLayout kind: list 
  filter.showSearchBar: true 
  firstLine.first.lineFields: [CustomerName] 
  firstLine.caption.lineFields: [CustomerType] 
  secondLine.first.lineFields: [MobileNumber] 
  secondLine.first.showLabels: true 
  thirdLine.first.lineFields: [Location] 
  thirdLine.first.showLabels: true

ensure layoutSpreadsheet TableLayout kind: table
  columnSizeSet: ["AutoSize"] 
  showCommentCount: true
  showComps: [Date, VisitedBy, CustomerName, MobileNumber, CustomerType, Location, Remarks]

3. Reports

a. ReportVisit

• Input form
// input form for report ReportVisit

ensure form FilterVisit 
ensure section: Details
ensure field LabelFilterDate kind: label label: "Filter Date" bold: true textPattern: "Filter Date"
ensure field FromDate kind: date defaultValue: "startOfMonth"
ensure field ToDate kind: date defaultValue: "endOfMonth"
ensure field Divider kind: divider 
ensure field LabelFilterEmployee kind: label label: "Filter Employee" bold: true textPattern: "Filter Employee"
ensure field Employee kind: pickUser roleDataSource: [Employee]
• Output form
// output form for report ReportVisit

ensure form OutputVisit 
ensure grid: VisitSet

ensure field Date kind: date defaultValue: "now"
ensure field VisitedBy kind: pickUser roleDataSource: [Employee]
ensure field VisitRowId kind: rowId 
ensure field CustomerName kind: text 
ensure field MobileNumber kind: mobileNumber 
ensure field CustomerType kind: pickText sourceVar: VarSetOfTextCustomerType
ensure field GSTNo kind: text label: "GST No"
ensure field Location kind: location 
ensure field Remarks kind: paragraph 
ensure field MapLineStroke kind: lineStroke defaultValue: solid
ensure field MapPinShape kind: pinShape defaultValue: pin
ensure field UserColor kind: color 

ensure layoutGrid TableLayout kind: table columnSizeSet: ["AutoSize"]
  showComps: [Date, VisitedBy, CustomerName, MobileNumber, CustomerType, GSTNo, Location, Remarks]

ensure layoutGrid MapLayout kind: map 
  locationField: Location 
  colorField: UserColor 
  shapeField: MapPinShape 
  groupByField: VisitedBy 
  strokeField: MapLineStroke

ensure formula ColorFormula 
  assignToField: VisitSet.UserColor 
  formula: "getUserColor(${f:VisitSet.VisitedBy})"
• Report
// this report returns visit information 

// filter condition for report ReportVisit
ensure var VarFilterConditionReportVisit kind: condition 
  deploy: fixedOnDeploy
  value: "<root>
          <stmt>${f:Details.Date} &gt;= ${in:Details.FromDate}</stmt>
          <stmt>${f:Details.Date} &lt;= ${in:Details.ToDate}</stmt>
            <stmt>${in:Details.Employee} has value</stmt>
            <stmt>${f:Details.VisitedBy} == ${in:Details.Employee}</stmt>
          <stmt>${in:Details.Employee} has no value</stmt>
  sourceForm: EntityVisit 
  inputForm: FilterVisit

// mapping variable between spreadsheet form and output form 
ensure var VarMappingVisit kind: mapping 
  deploy: fixedOnDeploy
  fromForm: EntityVisit 
  toForm: OutputVisit 
  toGrid: VisitSet 
  fieldMappingMap: {
      'map': {
        '${f:Details.Date}': 'VisitSet.Date',
        '${f:Details.VisitedBy}': 'VisitSet.VisitedBy',
        '${f:Details.CustomerName}': 'VisitSet.CustomerName',
        '${f:Details.MobileNumber}': 'VisitSet.MobileNumber',
        '${f:Details.CustomerType}': 'VisitSet.CustomerType',
        '${f:Details.GSTNo}': 'VisitSet.GSTNo',
        '${f:Details.Location}': 'VisitSet.Location',
        '${f:Details.Remarks}': 'VisitSet.Remarks',
        '${f:SysRowId}': 'VisitSet.VisitRowId'

ensure report ReportVisit kind: spreadsheet 
  inputForm: FilterVisit 
  outputForm: OutputVisit 
  fromSpreadsheet: VisitBook 
  filterConditionVar: VarFilterConditionReportVisit 
  outputFormMappingVar: VarMappingVisit

b. ReportVisitInfo

• Input form
// input form for ReportVisitInfo created above

ensure form OutputVisit
• Output form
// Output form for ReportVisitInfo

ensure form OutputVisitInfo 
ensure section: Details 
ensure field CustomerType kind: pickText 
  sourceVar: VarSetOfTextCustomerType
ensure field Customer kind: text 
ensure field VisitedBy kind: pickUser roleDataSource: [Employee]
ensure field Address kind: location 
ensure field Remarks kind: paragraph 

ensure layout ReportLayout kind: content 
  displayLabel: "Visit Info" 
  direction: vertical 
  start.fields: [CustomerType, Customer, Address, Remarks]
• Report
// report 

ensure report ReportVisitInfo kind: query 
  label: "Visit Info" 
  inputForm: OutputVisit 
  outputForm: OutputVisitInfo 
  fromSpreadsheets: [VisitBook] 
  neoQL: "select 
            ${ss:VisitBook.Details.CustomerType} as ${out:Details.CustomerType},
            ${ss:VisitBook.Details.CustomerName} as ${out:Details.Customer},
            ${ss:VisitBook.Details.VisitedBy} as ${out:Details.VisitedBy},
            ${ss:VisitBook.Details.Location} as ${out:Details.Address},
            ${ss:VisitBook.Details.Remarks} as ${out:Details.Remarks}
        from ${ss} 
        ${ctx:row.type} = ${ss:VisitBook} 
        and ${ctx:row.id} = ${arg:selectedGridId.selectedGridRowId.VisitRowId}"


1. AddVisit

// this action inserts information of visit to spreadsheet

ensure action AddVisit kind: rowInsert 
  icon: "AddLocationRounded" 
  spreadsheet: VisitBook 
  sendMessageToInbox: true

2. CallReportVisit

// this action calls report ReportVisit

ensure form OutputVisit
ensure layout Map kind: content 
  direction: horizontal 
  renderingMode: fullScreen 
  flexCenter.gridLayouts: [VisitSet.MapLayout] 

ensure layout Table  kind: content 
  direction: vertical 
  allowToSwitchLayouts: [Map] 
  flexCenter.gridLayouts: [VisitSet.TableLayout] 

ensure layout Map
  allowToSwitchLayouts: [Table] 

ensure action CallReportVisit kind: report 
  icon: "MapRounded" 
  report: ReportVisit 
  outputFormContentLayout: Map 
  sendMessageToInbox: false

3. CallReportVisitInfo

// this action calls report ReportVisitInfo

ensure action CallReportVisitInfo kind: report 
  label: "Visit Info" 
  report: ReportVisitInfo 
  outputFormContentLayout: ReportLayout 
  sendMessageToInbox: false

4. ViewVisitSheet

// this action opens visit sheet

ensure action ViewVisitSheet kind: spreadsheetEditor 
  icon: "EditNoteRounded" 
  spreadsheet: VisitBook 
  layoutSpreadsheet: TableLayout

5. Action permission

// action permission

ensure form OutputVisit 
ensure composite VisitSet 
  actionPermission: {
      'CallReportVisitInfo': {
        'showMessageToolTip': true,
        'roles': [

ensure form OutputVisit 
ensure grid: VisitSet
  actionPermission: {
      'CallReportVisitInfo': {
        'showMessageToolTip': true,
        'roles': [

6. Group actions

// this group has all actions those can be performed for visit

ensure group MyVisits 
  pinnedActions: [AddVisit, ViewVisitSheet, CallReportVisit] 
  pinnedActionSetMobile: [AddVisit] 
  actionPermission: {
      'AddVisit': {
        'menuGroup': '1',
        'roles': [
      'ViewVisitSheet': {
        'menuGroup': '2',
        'roles': [
      'CallReportVisit': {
        'menuGroup': '3',
        'roles': [