📁 Showcase
Add Office 2

Add Office


1. Create a spreadsheet of offices

ensure spreadsheet: OfficeMaster;
  withFields: ["Date*", "Name*", "OfficeNumber*", "MobileNumber*", "Active", "Address", "TeaPrice", "CoffeePrice"];
  ofTypes: [date, text, text, mobileNumber, bool, paragraph, number, number];
  defaultValueMap: {
    "Date": "now",
    "MobileNumber": "+919898989898",
    "Address": "Some address";
  minValues: {
    "TeaPrice": 0,
    "CoffeePrice": 0;
  readRoleSet: [Owner];
  insertRoleSet: [Owner];
  updateRoleSet: [Owner];
  searchables: [Name, OfficeNumber, MobileNumber, Address];
  queryables: [Date, Name, Active, MobileNumber];


1. Action to add office

// action to add the office to OfficeMaster spreadsheet
ensure action AddOffice kind: rowInsert
  spreadsheet: OfficeMaster
  icon: "PersonAddAlt1Rounded"
  defaultValueMap: {
    'Details.TeaPrice': 10,
    'Details.Active': true,
    'Details.CoffeePrice': 15
  sendMessageToInbox: true

2. Action to open spreadsheet editor

// switch context to OfficeMaster where next commands would be directed
ctx spreadsheet OfficeMaster
// create two layouts for spreadsheet editor
// first: a list layout along with how each list item is laid out
ensure layoutSpreadsheet ListLayout kind: list
  filter.showSearchBar: true
    Name                      Date
    MobileNumber      OfficeNumber
    TeaPrice, CoffeePrice"
// second: a table layout
ensure layoutSpreadsheet TableLayout kind: table
  showComps: [Date, Name, OfficeNumber, MobileNumber, Active, Address, TeaPrice, CoffeePrice]
  columnSizeSet: ["AutoSize"]
// action to create spreadsheet editor with default table layout
ensure action EditOfficeMaster kind: spreadsheetEditor
  spreadsheet: OfficeMaster
  icon: "EditNoteRounded"
  defaultValueMap: {
    'TeaPrice': 10,
    'Active': true,
    'CoffeePrice': 15
  layoutSpreadsheet: TableLayout
  bulkInsertRoleSet: [Owner]

3. Expose Actions through a Group

// create a group with actions that can be performed on the OfficeMaster spreadsheet
ensure group OfficeMaster
  hideActionMenu: true
  pinnedActions: [AddOffice, EditOfficeMaster]
  actionPermission: {
    'AddOffice': 'Owner',
    'EditOfficeMaster': 'Owner'