📁 Showcase


1. ChitChat

// this group will be used to do internal chat among all members

ensure group ChitChat
  chatPermissionSet: [Owner, DeliveryBoy]

2. Payment

// adding payment configuration

deploy payment RazorPay
  kind: razorpay
  allowedPaymentMethodSet: [netbanking, card, upi]
  defaultCurrency: "INR"
  apiKey: "rzp_test_Yi1HjKJIQC2NJS"
  apiSecret: "VQXKghIx5bJBTkHXcZ6g12HK"
  default: true

3. Translation

// translate the text to hindi for users who knows Hindi

ensure translation CoffeePrice
  phrase: "Coffee price"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'कॉफी की कीमत'

ensure translation Office
  phrase: "Office"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'ऑफिस'

ensure translation OfficeMasterRowId
  phrase: "Office master row id"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'ऑफिस मास्टर आईडी'

ensure translation Address
  phrase: "Address"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'पता'

ensure translation CoffeeCount
  phrase: "Coffee count"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'कॉफी की संख्या'

ensure translation Morning
  phrase: "Morning"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'सुबह'

ensure translation Time
  phrase: "Time"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'समय'

ensure translation EditOfficeMaster
  phrase: "Edit office master"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'ऑफिस मास्टर संपादित करें'

ensure translation Name
  phrase: "Name"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'नाम'

ensure translation MobileNumber
  phrase: "Mobile number"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'मोबाइल नंबर'

ensure translation TeaCount
  phrase: "Tea count"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'चाय की संख्या'

ensure translation TeaPrice
  phrase: "Tea price"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'चाय की कीमत'

ensure translation AddOrder
  phrase: "Add order"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'ऑर्डर जोड़ें'

ensure translation Order
  phrase: "Order"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'ऑर्डर'

ensure translation Afternoon
  phrase: "Afternoon"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'दोपहर'

ensure translation OfficeRef
  phrase: "Office ref"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'कार्यालय संदर्भ'

ensure translation Date
  phrase: "Date"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'तिथि'

ensure translation OfficeNumber
  phrase: "Office number"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'ऑफिस नंबर'

ensure translation AddOffice
  phrase: "Add office"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'ऑफिस जोड़ें'

ensure translation Active
  phrase: "Active"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'सक्रिय'

ensure translation Details
  phrase: "Details"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'विवरण'

ensure translation Signature
  phrase: "Signature"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'हस्ताक्षर'

ensure translation Total
  phrase: "Total"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'कुल'

ensure translation OfficeName
  phrase: "Office name"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'ऑफिस नाम'

ensure translation GetInvoiceOrders
  phrase: "Get invoice orders"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'ऑर्डर चालान प्राप्त करें'

ensure translation PatternVar
  phrase: "INV-${p}"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'चालान-${p}'

ensure translation Dashboard
  phrase: "Dashboard"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'डैशबोर्ड'

ensure translation InvoiceLink
  phrase: "Invoice link"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'चालान लिंक'

ensure translation AggregatedReport
  phrase: "Aggregated report"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'समेकित रिपोर्ट'

ensure translation Month
  phrase: "Month"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'महीना'

ensure translation DashboardPendingPayments
  phrase: "Dashboard pending payments"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'डैशबोर्ड लंबित भुगतान'

ensure translation BarGraph
  phrase: "Bar graph"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'बार ग्राफ'

ensure translation MonthInNumber
  phrase: "Month in number"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'संख्या में महीना'

ensure translation Items
  phrase: "Items"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'आइटम्स'

ensure translation List
  phrase: "List"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'सूची'

ensure translation Xychart
  phrase: "Xychart"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'एक्सवाई चार्ट'

ensure translation TotalPrice
  phrase: "Total price"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'कुल कीमत'

ensure translation PaymentStatus
  phrase: "Payment status"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'भुगतान स्थिति'

ensure translation DashboardTopCustomers
  phrase: "Dashboard top customers"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'डैशबोर्ड शीर्ष ग्राहक'

ensure translation GetInvoiceComposite
  phrase: "Get invoice composite"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'चालान मिश्रित प्राप्त करें'

ensure translation SendInvoice
  phrase: "Send invoice"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'चालान भेजें'

ensure translation OfficeMaster
  phrase: "Office master"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'ऑफिस मास्टर'

ensure translation Translation1
  phrase: "1 finite loop, Cupertino, California."
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': '1 फाइनाइट लूप, क्यूपर्टिनो, कैलिफोर्निया।'

ensure translation DateRange
  phrase: "Date range"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'तारीख की सीमा'

ensure translation RupeeSymbol
  phrase: "₹"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': '₹'

ensure translation AggregatedSummary
  phrase: "Aggregated summary"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'समेकित सारांश'

ensure translation ShowAggregated
  phrase: "Show aggregated report"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'समेकित रिपोर्ट दिखाएं'

ensure translation TableLayout
  phrase: "Table layout"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'तालिका लेआउट'

ensure translation GetInvoice
  phrase: "Get Invoice"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'चालान प्राप्त करें'

ensure translation SalesByCustomer
  phrase: "Sales by customer"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'ग्राहक द्वारा बिक्री'

ensure translation TeaVsCoffee
  phrase: "Tea vs coffee"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'चाय बनाम कॉफी'

ensure translation FilterInvoice
  phrase: "Filter invoice"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'चालान फ़िल्टर करें'

ensure translation OutputInvoice
  phrase: "Output invoice"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'आउटपुट चालान'

ensure translation InvoiceDate
  phrase: "Invoice date"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'चालान तिथि'

ensure translation AggregatedSales
  phrase: "Aggregated sales by customer"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'ग्राहक द्वारा समेकित बिक्री'

ensure translation PaymentLink
  phrase: "Payment link"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'भुगतान लिंक'

ensure translation TotalBill
  phrase: "Total bill"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'कुल बिल'

ensure translation InvoiceId
  phrase: "Invoice id"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'चालान आईडी'

ensure translation Coffee
  phrase: "Coffee"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'कॉफी'

ensure translation Invoicing
  phrase: "Invoicing"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'चालान प्रक्रिया'

ensure translation Translation2
  phrase: "This is a tutorial demo enterprise"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'यह एक ट्यूटोरियल डेमो उद्यम है'

ensure translation TopCustomerSet
  phrase: "Top customer set"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'शीर्ष ग्राहक सेट'

ensure translation OutputAggregated
  phrase: "Output aggregated"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'समेकित आउटपुट'

ensure translation ShowDashboard
  phrase: "Show dashboard"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'डैशबोर्ड दिखाएं'

ensure translation Table
  phrase: "Table"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'तालिका'

ensure translation TotalCoffee
  phrase: "Total coffee"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'कुल कॉफी'

ensure translation InvoiceHistory
  phrase: "Invoice history"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'चालान इतिहास'

ensure translation FilterAggregated
  phrase: "Filter aggregated"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'समेकित फ़िल्टर करें'

ensure translation OfficeNo
  phrase: "Office no"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'कार्यालय संख्या'

ensure translation TotalSales
  phrase: "Total sales"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'कुल बिक्री'

ensure translation LineChart
  phrase: "Line chart"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'रेखा चार्ट'

ensure translation TotalTea
  phrase: "Total tea"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'कुल चाय'

ensure translation MonthInNum
  phrase: "MonthInNumber"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'महीने को संख्या में'

ensure translation Amount
  phrase: "Amount"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'राशि'

ensure translation Calendar
  phrase: "Calendar"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'कैलेंडर'

ensure translation PaymentQR
  phrase: "Payment QR"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'भुगतान क्यूआर'

ensure translation Gst
  phrase: "Gst"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'जीएसटी'

ensure translation DashboardMonthly
  phrase: "Dashboard monthly sale"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'डैशबोर्ड मासिक बिक्री'

ensure translation Mobile
  phrase: "Mobile"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'मोबाइल'

ensure translation Analytics
  phrase: "Analytics"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'विश्लेषण'

ensure translation Tea
  phrase: "Tea"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'चाय'

ensure translation PendingPayments
  phrase: "Pending payments"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'लंबित भुगतान'

ensure translation OutputDashboard
  phrase: "Output dashboard"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'आउटपुट डैशबोर्ड'

ensure translation GetInvoiceCustomerInfo
  phrase: "Get invoice customer info"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'चालान ग्राहक जानकारी प्राप्त करें'

ensure translation Summary
  phrase: "Summary"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'सारांश'

ensure translation OrderBook
  phrase: "Order book"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'ऑर्डर बुक'

ensure translation TotalAmount
  phrase: "Total amount"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'कुल राशि'

ensure translation Translation3
  phrase: "Tea stall serving tea to 200 offices"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': '200 ऑफिस में चाय परोसने वाला चाय स्टॉल'

ensure translation ChitChat
  phrase: "Chit chat"
  type: text
  translationMap: {
      'hi': 'गपशप'

4. Deploy

// deploying enterprise

deploy ent