📁 Showcase


1. Variables

Declare variables to be used later in the script.

// variable sequence
ensure var VarInvoiceSeq kind: sequence
  deploy: fixedOnDeploy
  value: 1

// pattern variable for invoice id identifier
ensure var VarTextPatternFormInvoiceLinkInvoiceId kind: text
  deploy: fixedOnDeploy
  value: "INV-${p}"
  paramSet: ["p"]

2. GetInvoiceComposite

Every report takes one input form and provides one output form.

Let us declare one Input form to filter invoice and one output form to receive invoice.

GetInvoiceComposite report is composed of GetInvoiceCustomerInfo and GetInvoiceOrders where each report takes the same input form and provides same output form.

a. Input form

Intent of the FilterInvoice is creating a filter to find orders between from date and to date for a given office.

ensure form FilterInvoice

// Details section

ensure section: Details

// from date
ensure field FromDate kind: date
  autoFocus: false
  required: true
  defaultValue: "startOfMonth"

// to date
ensure field ToDate kind: date
  autoFocus: false
  required: true
  defaultValue: "endOfMonth"

// picker of Office
ensure field OfficeRef kind: ref
  spreadsheet: OfficeMaster
  copyFieldMap: {
      'OfficeMasterRowId': '$RowId',
      'Name': 'Name'
  layoutSpreadsheet: ListLayout

b. Output form

OutputInvoice form provides structure to invoice output.

ensure form OutputInvoice

// Details section

ensure section: Details

// InvoiceId field with INV-### pattern
ensure field InvoiceId kind: identifier
  setOnSend: true
  textPatternVar: {
      'var': 'VarTextPatternFormInvoiceLinkInvoiceId',
      'paramSet': [

// other fields
ensure field FromDate kind: date
ensure field ToDate kind: date
ensure field InvoiceDate kind: date defaultValue: "now"
ensure field TeaPrice kind: number prefix: "₹ "
ensure field CoffeePrice kind: number prefix: "₹ "
ensure field OfficeRowId kind: rowId
ensure field OfficeName kind: text
ensure field OfficeNo kind: text
ensure field Mobile kind: mobileNumber

// Grid of Items

ensure grid: Items
ensure field Date kind: date
ensure field Time kind: pickText sourceVar: VarSetOfTextTime
ensure field TotalTea kind: number
ensure field TotalCoffee kind: number
ensure field TotalPrice kind: number prefix: "₹ "

// Summary section

ensure section: Summary
ensure field TotalBill kind: number prefix: "₹ "
ensure field GST kind: number
ensure field GrandTotal kind: number prefix: "₹ "
ensure field PaymentStatus kind: paymentStatus defaultValue: pending

// QR code field
ensure field PaymentQR kind: showCode
  label: "Payment QR"
  codeType: qrCode
  showLabel: false

ensure field PaymentLink kind: hyperlink
ensure field InvoiceLink kind: hyperlink
ensure field PaymentQR defaultField: PaymentLink
ensure field InvoicePdf kind: document fileTypeSet: ["any"]

Attach formulas to the form to calculate derived values.

ensure formula TotalPrizeFormula
  assignToField: TotalPrice
  formula: "(${f:TotalTea} * ${f:TeaPrice}) + (${f:TotalCoffee} * ${f:CoffeePrice})"

ensure formula TotalBillFormula
  assignToField: TotalBill
  formula: "SUM(${f:TotalPrice})"

// hardcoded to 18% Goods and Services Tax. Alternatively this can also be
// declared through a variable
ensure formula GSTFormula
  assignToField: GST
  formula: "${f:TotalBill} * 0.18"

ensure formula GrandTotalFormula
  assignToField: GrandTotal
  formula: "${f:TotalBill} + ${f:GST}"

c. GetInvoiceCustomerInfo

This report fetches customer information using NeoQL. Neome's query language.

// in the query below,
// * in: refers to the current FilterInvoice
// * out: refers to the OutputInvoice that would be generated
// * ss: refers to the SpreadSheet
// * ctx: refers to the context information available when executing the query

ensure report GetInvoiceCustomerInfo kind: query
  inputForm: FilterInvoice
  outputForm: OutputInvoice
  fromSpreadsheets: [OfficeMaster]
  neoQL: "select
      ${in:Details.FromDate} as ${out:Details.FromDate},
      ${in:Details.ToDate} as ${out:Details.ToDate},
      ${ctx:row.id} as ${out:Details.OfficeRowId},
      ${ss:OfficeMaster.Details.Name} as ${out:Details.OfficeName},
      ${ss:OfficeMaster.Details.OfficeNumber} as ${out:Details.OfficeNo},
      ${ss:OfficeMaster.Details.MobileNumber} as ${out:Details.Mobile},
      ${ss:OfficeMaster.Details.TeaPrice} as ${out:Details.TeaPrice},
      ${ss:OfficeMaster.Details.CoffeePrice} as ${out:Details.CoffeePrice},
      MILLIS(CLOCK_LOCAL()) as ${out:Details.InvoiceDate}
    from ${ss}
    where ${ctx:row.type} = ${ss:OfficeMaster} and
      ${ctx:row.id} = ${in:Details.OfficeMasterRowId}"

d. GetInvoiceOrders

This report fetches information of customer's order for given date range using NeoQL, Neome's query language.

// in the query below,
// * in: refers to the current FilterInvoice
// * out: refers to the OutputInvoice that would be generated
// * ss: refers to the SpreadSheet
// * ctx: refers to the context information available when executing the query

ensure report GetInvoiceOrders kind: query
  inputForm: FilterInvoice
  outputForm: OutputInvoice
  fromSpreadsheets: [OrderBook]
  neoQL: "select
      ${ss:OrderBook.Order.Date} as ${out:Items.Date},
      ${ss:OrderBook.Order.Time} as ${out:Items.Time},
      ${ss:OrderBook.Order.TeaCount} as ${out:Items.TotalTea},
      ${ss:OrderBook.Order.CoffeeCount} as ${out:Items.TotalCoffee},
      ${ss:OrderBook.Order.Total} as ${out:Items.TotalPrice}
    from ${ss}
    where ${ctx:row.type} = ${ss:OrderBook}
      and ${ss:OrderBook.Order.Date} >= ${in:Details.FromDate}
      and ${ss:OrderBook.Order.Date} <= ${in:Details.ToDate}
      and ${ss:OrderBook.Office.OfficeMasterRowId} = ${in:Details.OfficeMasterRowId}
    order by ${ss:OrderBook.Order.Date}"

e. Composite report

This report merges output of GetInvoiceOrders and GetInvoiceCustomerInfo reports.

ensure report GetInvoiceComposite kind: composite
  inputForm: FilterInvoice
  outputForm: OutputInvoice
  mergeReports: [GetInvoiceCustomerInfo, GetInvoiceOrders]

3. GetInvoice

Each time GetInvoiceComposite is called, Neome recalculates the entire report. If a deep link is shared with hundreds of users, the report is repeatedly regenerated, causing a heavy load on Neome.

A better approach is to cache the report based on filter parameters and serve the saved version. Users can refresh the report manually using the refresh button in GetInvoice, which regenerates the report and updates the cache.

// InvoiceHistory spreadsheet to save OutputInvoice
ensure spreadsheet InvoiceHistory
  form: OutputInvoice
  readRoleSet: [Owner]
  removeRoleSet: [Owner]
  updateRoleSet: [Owner]
  searchables: [OfficeName, OfficeNo, Mobile]
  queryables : [PaymentStatus]

// bind everything to GetInvoice report
ensure report GetInvoice kind: mapper
  label: "Get Invoice"
  inputForm: FilterInvoice
  outputForm: OutputInvoice
  mappedReport: GetInvoiceComposite
  saveToSpreadsheet: InvoiceHistory