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Build it

Build Task list

1. Introduction

video 1 => studio (add ajay and hana in production applies to all video 1 apps), group, employee chat, message forward, search

video 2 => owner add task employee can't see, employee add task owner can see

video 3 => owner task reporting, employee task report

Create enterprise with studio

  1. Welcome to neome!
  2. We are going to build a task list app from scratch.
  3. The key pain points we will solve are,
  • All the employees should be able to create tasks in a common group.
  • Employees cannot see other employee's tasks.
  • The owner should be able to see and update the tasks of all the employees.
  1. Create account ([email protected])

[Let us create a developer account to build the enterprise app]

  1. OTP

[Copy the OTP from your email]

  1. Go to studio

[Now go to studio]

  1. Create enterprise drawer "Your task list"

[and create the enterprise and click on the created enterprise]

  1. Add roles, Owner and Employee

[add two roles an Owner and an Employee]

  1. Create group task list (owner can send messages, employee cannot)

[create a group called task list and add the necessary permissions]

  1. Deploy enterprise

[now deploy the enterprise]

  1. Now lets try this app by adding few users

  2. Go to Production and select users tab

[to add users go to route production and go to users tab]

  1. Let us add [email protected] as owner of the app.

  2. Let us add [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] as the employees of the app.

  3. Remember to make ajay manager of hana, ali, and mike

  4. Let us run the app

  5. On the left tablet let us sign in as [email protected] with the password Demo1234. ajay is the owner of the app.

  6. On the right mobile let us sign in as [email protected] with the password Demo1234. hana is the employee of the app.

[Both ajay and hana are seeing their home screens]

  1. Click on task list group

[Let us click on the task list groups. You can see that only ajay has the chat input bar]

  1. Ajay send "Hello" on the group

[Let us send hello]

  1. Ajay send an image

[Let us send an image]

  1. Show attachment picket

[You can also send contacts, location, video, audio, document like a regular messaging app] [Also notice that you there are receipts]

  1. Show message info

[And see the message info]

  1. Search "Hello

[Or search hello]

  1. Search "Mike" and send hello.

[Can also send individual messages to employees from the address book]

[As you can see with little effort we got the whole chat app with dynamic role base group.]

[In the next video we will build the app to send tasks in addition to regular messages]

Video 2

Video 3