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Try Task list

The application below is a real interactive enterprise app you can play with. Please allow some time to load the app.

Employees are picked randomly from a fixed set to show variety. To run the app in your browser, go to https://web.neome.ai (opens in a new tab) and use the emails below with the password Demo1234

First app is for the owner and the second app is for the employee. Owner can see the employee's tasks but employee can only see their tasks.


To do

  1. Inside Task list group of Employee click on the blue neome icon and choose Add task and send.
  2. Inside Task list group of Owner click on the blue neome icon and choose Add task and send.
  3. Get My tasks sheet for Employee and All tasks sheet for Owner.
  4. Get Report tasks for Owner.
  5. Send a text message from the Owner.
  6. Click on the task and send a comment.
  7. Hit back button on Owner: Task list and search about your task.
  8. Search for employee in Owner App and send "Hi".
  9. Explore group info, message info, profile, media messages, receipts, star messages, select messages, and forward messages.
As you can see, neome packs a lot of features in this simple demo while retaining the simplicity of a standard messaging interface. However, this is just scratching the surface of what is possible. neome is designed to be the conversational automation backbone of your entire enterprise.

What next?

  1. Build the app.
  2. Contact us to see a live demo, start proof-of-concept, or subscribe to our services.