📁 Reference


Variables are used to store data or information to be referenced or manipulated within an enterprise. Variables are like buckets that hold information.

Studio contains 40+ variables to store data within neome.


Variable types refer to the different categories or classifications of variables within neome based on the kind of data they can store. Following are the types of variables in neome:

a. Constants

BoolStores true or false value
DateStores generic or custom date values
Date timeStores generic or customer date and time values.
DayStores day value
DecimalStores a decimal value
DocumentStores a document
DurationStores duration with time and unit
EmailStores email value
HtmlStores html code
HyperlinkStores a url
IconStores an icon from a predefined list of icons
ImageStores an image
LocationStores a location on google maps
Mobile numberStores a mobile number
NumberStores a number
ParagraphStores text in a text area
SymbolStores a symbol (a capitalised text)
TextStores a text
TimeStores a time value

b. Pickers

Button variantStores value of a button variant from Text, Contained, Outline or Icon
ColorStores a color value from a list of available colors
CurrencyStores a currency type
Data partition periodStores a time period value to partition or group the data
Data priorityStores priority value from High, Medium or Low.
Device sizeStores the size of the device
Device typeStores the type of the device
Field variantStores whether the field is outlined, filled or standard
FontStores the font size
Image cornerStores the values of corner radius of an image. The corners can be rectangle, circle or rounded.
LanguageStores the language
Map pin shapeStores the shape of the pin on the map
MonthStores the name of the month
QuarterStores the quarter
Rating kindStores the rating kind - star, heart or thumbs
StrokeStores the stroke width
Theme placementStores the placement value of the theme
Time zoneStores the time zone

c. Collections

Chip set dayStores single or multiple days
Chip set timeStores single or multiple times
Map of textStores an object of text with key-value pairs
Set of numberStores an array of numbers
Set of textStores an array of text
TreeStores a predefined tree

d. Objects

CalendarStores single or multiple dates as an object to be excluded in scheduler varaible.
ConditionStores a single or multiple conditions from source form/plugin. When applied, certain actions are performed when these conditions are met
FunctionStores a function returing a text, number, text array or number array
MappingMaps a form/plugin to another form/plugin.It is used in mapping output forms to reports
SchedulerStores information to schedule an automation
SequenceStores a sequence of incrementing the value by 1 with the starting value required
User settingStores enterprise user settings


Admins can add or update section name, labels, filter tags , descriptions or choose deployment status.


Each variable, once defined, has to be assigned properties as below:

a. Constants

b. Pickers

c. Collections

d. Objects

  • Calendar - Select dates to exclude in scheduler variable.
  • Condition - Add condition to be used in reports.
  • Function - Add your own functions returning text or number.
  • Mapping - Add mapper variable to map reports.
  • Scheduler - Add scheduler to initialise scheduled automation.
  • Sequence - Add a value to start a sequence
  • User setting - Select custom user settings