


ensure automationStep AutomationStepName kind:"callPlugin | insertIntoSpreadsheet"


ensure automationStep AutomationStepName kind:"..."

kind : callPlugin | callReport | insertIntoSpreadsheet | removeFromSpreadsheet | updateSpreadsheet | calculateFormulas | forwardToGroups | forwardToUsers | messageSend | partitionSend | removeRow | updateField | updateLogNumber | removeField | returnEvent | terminate | generateDeeplink


ensure automationStep AutomationStepName kind:"insertIntoSpreadsheet"


remove automationStep AutomationStepName




update automationStep AutomationStepName name:"Symbol"
update automationStep AutomationStepName description:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName secondary:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName condition:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateKind:"terminate | resume | setField"
update automationStep AutomationStepName filterTags:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName plugin:"null | @null | @empty | pluginName"
update automationStep AutomationStepName pluginApi:"null | pluginApi"
update automationStep AutomationStepName pluginInputMapping:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName errorRetryCount:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName errorRetryDuration:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName errorSpreadsheet:"null | Spreadsheet"
update automationStep AutomationStepName errorField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"

condition : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition

filterTags : null | @empty | FilterTag1, FilterTag2, ...

pluginInputMapping : null | Variable of type: mapping | Variable value of type: mapping

errorRetryCount : null | Variable of type: number | Variable value of type: number

errorRetryDuration : null | Variable of type: duration | Variable value of type: duration


update automationStep AutomationStepName name:"Symbol"
update automationStep AutomationStepName description:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName secondary:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName condition:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateKind:"terminate | resume | setField"
update automationStep AutomationStepName filterTags:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName target:"null | Spreadsheet"
update automationStep AutomationStepName targetFormMapping:"..."

condition : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition

filterTags : null | @empty | FilterTag1, FilterTag2, ...

targetFormMapping : null | Variable of type: mapping | Variable value of type: mapping



update automationStep AutomationStepName name:"Symbol"
update automationStep AutomationStepName description:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName secondary:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName condition:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateKind:"terminate | resume | setField"
update automationStep AutomationStepName filterTags:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName field:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName newCondition:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName newFormula:"null | @null | @empty | formula"

condition : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition

filterTags : null | @empty | FilterTag1, FilterTag2, ...

newCondition : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition


update automationStep AutomationStepName name:"Symbol"
update automationStep AutomationStepName description:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName secondary:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName condition:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateKind:"terminate | resume | setField"
update automationStep AutomationStepName filterTags:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName pluginName:"null | @null | @empty | pluginName"
update automationStep AutomationStepName pluginApi:"null | pluginApi"
update automationStep AutomationStepName sourceGrid:"null | Grid"
update automationStep AutomationStepName sourceGridFilter:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName pluginInputMapping:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName pluginOutputMapping:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName errorRetryCount:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName errorRetryDuration:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName errorField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"

condition : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition

filterTags : null | @empty | FilterTag1, FilterTag2, ...

sourceGridFilter : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition

pluginInputMapping : null | Variable of type: mapping | Variable value of type: mapping

pluginOutputMapping : null | Variable of type: mapping | Variable value of type: mapping

errorRetryCount : null | Variable of type: number | Variable value of type: number

errorRetryDuration : null | Variable of type: duration | Variable value of type: duration


update automationStep AutomationStepName name:"Symbol"
update automationStep AutomationStepName description:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName secondary:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName condition:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateKind:"terminate | resume | setField"
update automationStep AutomationStepName filterTags:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName scheduler:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName report:"null | Report"
update automationStep AutomationStepName sourceGrid:"null | Grid"
update automationStep AutomationStepName sourceGridFilter:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName reportInputMappingVar:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName reportOutputMapping:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName errorRetryCountVar:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName errorRetryDuration:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName errorField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"

condition : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition

filterTags : null | @empty | FilterTag1, FilterTag2, ...

scheduler : null | Variable of type: scheduler | Variable value of type: scheduler

sourceGridFilter : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition

reportInputMappingVar : null | Variable of type: mapping | Variable value of type: mapping

reportOutputMapping : null | Variable of type: mapping | Variable value of type: mapping

errorRetryCountVar : null | Variable of type: number | Variable value of type: number

errorRetryDuration : null | Variable of type: duration | Variable value of type: duration


update automationStep AutomationStepName name:"Symbol"
update automationStep AutomationStepName description:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName secondary:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName condition:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateKind:"terminate | resume | setField"
update automationStep AutomationStepName filterTags:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName groups:"null | @empty | Group1, Group2, ..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName senderField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName senderRole:"..."

condition : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition

filterTags : null | @empty | FilterTag1, FilterTag2, ...

senderRole : null | Role | $Public | $Manager | $GrandManager | $AllManagers | $Assistants | $AllAssistants | $Self


update automationStep AutomationStepName name:"Symbol"
update automationStep AutomationStepName description:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName secondary:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName condition:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateKind:"terminate | resume | setField"
update automationStep AutomationStepName filterTags:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName senderField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName senderRole:"null | Symbol"
update automationStep AutomationStepName conjunction:"or | and"
update automationStep AutomationStepName roles:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName userField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName grid:"null | Grid"
update automationStep AutomationStepName gridUserField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"

condition : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition

filterTags : null | @empty | FilterTag1, FilterTag2, ...

roles : null | @empty | $Public, $Manager, $GrandManager, $AllManagers, $Assistants, $AllAssistants, $Self, Role1, Role2, ...


update automationStep AutomationStepName name:"Symbol"
update automationStep AutomationStepName description:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName secondary:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName condition:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateKind:"terminate | resume | setField"
update automationStep AutomationStepName filterTags:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName deeplink:"null | deeplink"
update automationStep AutomationStepName deeplinkField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName reportInputFormMappingVar:"null | Variable of type: mapping"
update automationStep AutomationStepName spreadsheetEditorAction:"null | Action"

condition : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition

filterTags : null | @empty | FilterTag1, FilterTag2, ...


update automationStep AutomationStepName name:"Symbol"
update automationStep AutomationStepName description:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName secondary:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName condition:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateKind:"terminate | resume | setField"
update automationStep AutomationStepName filterTags:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName target:"null | Spreadsheet"
update automationStep AutomationStepName sourceGrid:"null | Grid"
update automationStep AutomationStepName sourceGridFilter:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName sourceToTargetMapping:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName targetToSourceMapping:"..."

condition : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition

filterTags : null | @empty | FilterTag1, FilterTag2, ...

sourceGridFilter : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition

sourceToTargetMapping : null | Variable of type: mapping | Variable value of type: mapping

targetToSourceMapping : null | Variable of type: mapping | Variable value of type: mapping


update automationStep AutomationStepName name:"Symbol"
update automationStep AutomationStepName description:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName secondary:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName condition:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateKind:"terminate | resume | setField"
update automationStep AutomationStepName filterTags:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName senderField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName senderRole:"null | Role"
update automationStep AutomationStepName conjunction:"or | and"
update automationStep AutomationStepName roles:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName userField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName grid:"null | Grid"
update automationStep AutomationStepName gridUserField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName sendAsComment:"true | false | yes | no"
update automationStep AutomationStepName message:"..."

condition : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition

filterTags : null | @empty | FilterTag1, FilterTag2, ...

roles : null | @empty | $Public, $Manager, $GrandManager, $AllManagers, $Assistants, $AllAssistants, $Self, Role1, Role2, ...

message : null | Variable of type: paragraph | Variable value of type: paragraph


update automationStep AutomationStepName name:"Symbol"
update automationStep AutomationStepName description:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName secondary:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName condition:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateKind:"terminate | resume | setField"
update automationStep AutomationStepName filterTags:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName target:"null | Spreadsheet"
update automationStep AutomationStepName groups:"null | @empty | Group1, Group2, ..."

condition : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition

filterTags : null | @empty | FilterTag1, FilterTag2, ...


update automationStep AutomationStepName name:"Symbol"
update automationStep AutomationStepName description:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName secondary:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName condition:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateKind:"terminate | resume | setField"
update automationStep AutomationStepName filterTags:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName removeField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"

condition : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition

filterTags : null | @empty | FilterTag1, FilterTag2, ...


update automationStep AutomationStepName name:"Symbol"
update automationStep AutomationStepName description:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName secondary:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName condition:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateKind:"terminate | resume | setField"
update automationStep AutomationStepName filterTags:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName target:"null | Spreadsheet"
update automationStep AutomationStepName sourceGrid:"null | Grid"
update automationStep AutomationStepName sourceGridFilter:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName rowIdField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"

condition : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition

filterTags : null | @empty | FilterTag1, FilterTag2, ...

sourceGridFilter : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition


update automationStep AutomationStepName name:"Symbol"
update automationStep AutomationStepName description:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName secondary:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName condition:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateKind:"terminate | resume | setField"
update automationStep AutomationStepName filterTags:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"

condition : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition

filterTags : null | @empty | FilterTag1, FilterTag2, ...


update automationStep AutomationStepName name:"Symbol"
update automationStep AutomationStepName description:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName secondary:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName condition:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateKind:"terminate | resume | setField"
update automationStep AutomationStepName filterTags:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"

condition : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition

filterTags : null | @empty | FilterTag1, FilterTag2, ...


update automationStep AutomationStepName name:"Symbol"
update automationStep AutomationStepName description:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName secondary:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName condition:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateKind:"terminate | resume | setField"
update automationStep AutomationStepName filterTags:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"

condition : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition

filterTags : null | @empty | FilterTag1, FilterTag2, ...


update automationStep AutomationStepName name:"Symbol"
update automationStep AutomationStepName description:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName secondary:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName condition:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateKind:"terminate | resume | setField"
update automationStep AutomationStepName filterTags:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName assignValueField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName value:"null | @null | @empty | argBinderValue"

condition : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition

filterTags : null | @empty | FilterTag1, FilterTag2, ...


update automationStep AutomationStepName name:"Symbol"
update automationStep AutomationStepName description:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName secondary:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName condition:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateKind:"terminate | resume | setField"
update automationStep AutomationStepName filterTags:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName target:"null | Spreadsheet"
update automationStep AutomationStepName rowField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName targetField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName operation:"add | remove | set"
update automationStep AutomationStepName value:"null | @null | @empty | value"

condition : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition

filterTags : null | @empty | FilterTag1, FilterTag2, ...


update automationStep AutomationStepName name:"Symbol"
update automationStep AutomationStepName description:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName secondary:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName condition:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateKind:"terminate | resume | setField"
update automationStep AutomationStepName filterTags:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName target:"null | Spreadsheet"
update automationStep AutomationStepName sourceGrid:"null | Grid"
update automationStep AutomationStepName sourceGridFilter:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName rowIdField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName sourceToTargetMapping:"..."

condition : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition

filterTags : null | @empty | FilterTag1, FilterTag2, ...

sourceGridFilter : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition

sourceToTargetMapping : null | Variable of type: mapping | Variable value of type: mapping



update automationStep AutomationStepName name:"Symbol"
update automationStep AutomationStepName description:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName secondary:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update automationStep AutomationStepName condition:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateKind:"terminate | resume | setField"
update automationStep AutomationStepName filterTags:"..."
update automationStep AutomationStepName terminateField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update automationStep AutomationStepName target:"null | Spreadsheet"
update automationStep AutomationStepName targetFormMapping:"..."

condition : null | Variable of type: condition | Variable value of type: condition

filterTags : null | @empty | FilterTag1, FilterTag2, ...

targetFormMapping : null | Variable of type: mapping | Variable value of type: mapping


goTo automationStep AutomationStepName


print automationStep AutomationStepName