📁 Reference



ensure deeplink DeeplinkName kind:"..."

kind : report | spreadsheetEditor | spreadsheetInsert | spreadsheetRow


remove deeplink DeeplinkName



update deeplink DeeplinkName name:"Symbol"
update deeplink DeeplinkName description:"null | @null | @empty | paragraph"
update deeplink DeeplinkName visibilityConstraint:"..."
update deeplink DeeplinkName creationRoles:"..."
update deeplink DeeplinkName showHeader:"true | false | yes | no"
update deeplink DeeplinkName showEnterprise:"true | false | yes | no"
update deeplink DeeplinkName showSeparator:"true | false | yes | no"
update deeplink DeeplinkName passImageInDeeplink:"true | false | yes | no"
update deeplink DeeplinkName expiry:"..."
update deeplink DeeplinkName hyperlinkVars:"..."
update deeplink DeeplinkName filterTags:"..."
update deeplink DeeplinkName report:"null | Report"
update deeplink DeeplinkName outputFormContentLayout:"null | FormLayoutContent"

visibilityConstraint : enforceUserSignIn | enforceFollowerSignIn | makeFollower | allowPublicSharing

creationRoles : null | @empty | $Public, $Manager, $GrandManager, $AllManagers, $Assistants, $AllAssistants, $Self, Role1, Role2, ...

expiry : onFirstClick | withinOneWeek | withinOneMonth | noExpiry

hyperlinkVars : null | @empty | Variable1, Variable2, ...

filterTags : null | @empty | FilterTag1, FilterTag2, ...


update deeplink DeeplinkName name:"Symbol"
update deeplink DeeplinkName description:"null | @null | @empty | paragraph"
update deeplink DeeplinkName visibilityConstraint:"..."
update deeplink DeeplinkName creationRoles:"..."
update deeplink DeeplinkName showHeader:"true | false | yes | no"
update deeplink DeeplinkName showEnterprise:"true | false | yes | no"
update deeplink DeeplinkName showSeparator:"true | false | yes | no"
update deeplink DeeplinkName passImageInDeeplink:"true | false | yes | no"
update deeplink DeeplinkName expiry:"..."
update deeplink DeeplinkName hyperlinkVars:"..."
update deeplink DeeplinkName filterTags:"..."
update deeplink DeeplinkName spreadsheet:"null | Spreadsheet"
update deeplink DeeplinkName spreadsheetLayout:"null | SpreadsheetLayout"

visibilityConstraint : enforceUserSignIn | enforceFollowerSignIn | makeFollower | allowPublicSharing

creationRoles : null | @empty | $Public, $Manager, $GrandManager, $AllManagers, $Assistants, $AllAssistants, $Self, Role1, Role2, ...

expiry : onFirstClick | withinOneWeek | withinOneMonth | noExpiry

hyperlinkVars : null | @empty | Variable1, Variable2, ...

filterTags : null | @empty | FilterTag1, FilterTag2, ...


update deeplink DeeplinkName name:"Symbol"
update deeplink DeeplinkName description:"null | @null | @empty | paragraph"
update deeplink DeeplinkName visibilityConstraint:"..."
update deeplink DeeplinkName creationRoles:"..."
update deeplink DeeplinkName showHeader:"true | false | yes | no"
update deeplink DeeplinkName showEnterprise:"true | false | yes | no"
update deeplink DeeplinkName showSeparator:"true | false | yes | no"
update deeplink DeeplinkName passImageInDeeplink:"true | false | yes | no"
update deeplink DeeplinkName expiry:"..."
update deeplink DeeplinkName hyperlinkVars:"..."
update deeplink DeeplinkName filterTags:"..."
update deeplink DeeplinkName spreadsheet:"null | Spreadsheet"
update deeplink DeeplinkName successMessage:"..."
update deeplink DeeplinkName successMessageFontVar:"..."
update deeplink DeeplinkName successMessageBgColorVar:"..."
update deeplink DeeplinkName showRepeatButton:"true | false | yes | no"
update deeplink DeeplinkName repeatButtonLabel:"null | @null | @empty | text"

visibilityConstraint : enforceUserSignIn | enforceFollowerSignIn | makeFollower | allowPublicSharing

creationRoles : null | @empty | $Public, $Manager, $GrandManager, $AllManagers, $Assistants, $AllAssistants, $Self, Role1, Role2, ...

expiry : onFirstClick | withinOneWeek | withinOneMonth | noExpiry

hyperlinkVars : null | @empty | Variable1, Variable2, ...

filterTags : null | @empty | FilterTag1, FilterTag2, ...

successMessage : null | Variable of type: paragraph | Variable value of type: paragraph

successMessageFontVar : null | Variable of type: font | Variable value of type: font

successMessageBgColorVar : null | Variable of type: color | Variable value of type: color


update deeplink DeeplinkName name:"Symbol"
update deeplink DeeplinkName description:"null | @null | @empty | paragraph"
update deeplink DeeplinkName visibilityConstraint:"..."
update deeplink DeeplinkName creationRoles:"..."
update deeplink DeeplinkName showHeader:"true | false | yes | no"
update deeplink DeeplinkName showEnterprise:"true | false | yes | no"
update deeplink DeeplinkName showSeparator:"true | false | yes | no"
update deeplink DeeplinkName passImageInDeeplink:"true | false | yes | no"
update deeplink DeeplinkName expiry:"..."
update deeplink DeeplinkName hyperlinkVars:"..."
update deeplink DeeplinkName filterTags:"..."
update deeplink DeeplinkName spreadsheet:"null | Spreadsheet"
update deeplink DeeplinkName formContentLayout:"null | FormLayoutContent"

visibilityConstraint : enforceUserSignIn | enforceFollowerSignIn | makeFollower | allowPublicSharing

creationRoles : null | @empty | $Public, $Manager, $GrandManager, $AllManagers, $Assistants, $AllAssistants, $Self, Role1, Role2, ...

expiry : onFirstClick | withinOneWeek | withinOneMonth | noExpiry

hyperlinkVars : null | @empty | Variable1, Variable2, ...

filterTags : null | @empty | FilterTag1, FilterTag2, ...


goTo deeplink DeeplinkName


print deeplink DeeplinkName