📁 Reference



ensure gridLayout GridLayoutName kind:"..."

kind : card | list | map | table | xyChart | kanban | calendar


remove gridLayout GridLayoutName



update gridLayout GridLayoutName name:"null | Symbol"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName label:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName description:"null | @null | @empty | paragraph"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName toolTipField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName bkgColorField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName allowToSwitchLayouts:"..."
update gridLayout GridLayoutName toolTipFieldId:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName dateFieldId:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName colorFieldId:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName showFields:"..."
update gridLayout GridLayoutName titleField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"

allowToSwitchLayouts : null | @empty | Grid1Layout1, Grid2Layout2, ...

showFields : null | @empty | SectionField, Grid/Field, ...


update gridLayout GridLayoutName name:"null | Symbol"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName label:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName description:"null | @null | @empty | paragraph"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName toolTipField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName bkgColorField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName allowToSwitchLayouts:"..."
update gridLayout GridLayoutName groupByField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"

allowToSwitchLayouts : null | @empty | Grid1Layout1, Grid2Layout2, ...


update gridLayout GridLayoutName name:"null | Symbol"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName label:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName description:"null | @null | @empty | paragraph"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName toolTipField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName bkgColorField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName allowToSwitchLayouts:"..."
update gridLayout GridLayoutName showCommentCount:"true | false | yes | no"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName showSectionName:"true | false | yes | no"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName showFooter:"true | false | yes | no"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName fontSize:"..."
update gridLayout GridLayoutName showFields:"..."
update gridLayout GridLayoutName sortByFields:"..."
update gridLayout GridLayoutName kanbanField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName swimLaneLabels:"null | @empty | label1 \n label2 \n"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName swimLaneColors:"..."

allowToSwitchLayouts : null | @empty | Grid1Layout1, Grid2Layout2, ...

fontSize : body1 | body2 | button | caption | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | inherit | overline | subtitle1 | subtitle2 | subtitle3 | subtitle4

showFields : null | @empty | SectionField, Grid/Field, ...

sortByFields : null | @empty | SectionField, Grid/Field, ...

swimLaneColors : null | @empty | Variable1, Variable2, ...


update gridLayout GridLayoutName name:"null | Symbol"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName label:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName description:"null | @null | @empty | paragraph"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName toolTipField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName bkgColorField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName allowToSwitchLayouts:"..."
update gridLayout GridLayoutName groupByField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"

allowToSwitchLayouts : null | @empty | Grid1Layout1, Grid2Layout2, ...


update gridLayout GridLayoutName name:"null | Symbol"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName label:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName description:"null | @null | @empty | paragraph"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName toolTipField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName bkgColorField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName allowToSwitchLayouts:"..."
update gridLayout GridLayoutName locationField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName toolTipFieldId:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName colorField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName shapeField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName groupByField:"..."
update gridLayout GridLayoutName strokeField:"null | Symbol"

allowToSwitchLayouts : null | @empty | Grid1Layout1, Grid2Layout2, ...

groupByField : null | SectionField | Grid/Field | $CreatedBy | $CreatedOn | $RowId | $RowOrder | $UpdatedBy | $UpdatedOn


update gridLayout GridLayoutName name:"null | Symbol"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName label:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName description:"null | @null | @empty | paragraph"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName toolTipField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName bkgColorField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName allowToSwitchLayouts:"..."
update gridLayout GridLayoutName groupByField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName hideRowSeparator:"true | false | yes | no"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName pageSize:"..."
update gridLayout GridLayoutName showFields:"..."
update gridLayout GridLayoutName columnSizes:"..."
update gridLayout GridLayoutName sortByFields:"..."
update gridLayout GridLayoutName columnAlignments:"..."
update gridLayout GridLayoutName style:"defaultStyle"

allowToSwitchLayouts : null | @empty | Grid1Layout1, Grid2Layout2, ...

pageSize : null | Variable of type: number | Variable value of type: number

showFields : null | @empty | SectionField, Grid/Field, ...

columnSizes : null | @empty | AutoSize, Flex, [number]px, [number]em

sortByFields : null | @empty | SectionField, Grid/Field, ...

columnAlignments : null | @empty | start, end, center, spaceBetween


update gridLayout GridLayoutName name:"null | Symbol"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName label:"null | @null | @empty | text"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName description:"null | @null | @empty | paragraph"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName toolTipField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName bkgColorField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName allowToSwitchLayouts:"..."
update gridLayout GridLayoutName xField:"null | SectionField | Grid/Field"
update gridLayout GridLayoutName xFieldColor:"..."
update gridLayout GridLayoutName chartType:"..."
update gridLayout GridLayoutName yFields:"..."
update gridLayout GridLayoutName yFieldColors:"..."

allowToSwitchLayouts : null | @empty | Grid1Layout1, Grid2Layout2, ...

xFieldColor : null | Variable of type: color | Variable value of type: color

chartType : barGraph | lineChart | pieChart | doughnut | scatterPlot

yFields : null | @empty | SectionField, Grid/Field, ...

yFieldColors : null | @empty | SectionField, Grid/Field, ...


goTo gridLayout GridLayoutName


print gridLayout GridLayoutName