📁 Reference
Card item



update gridLayoutCardItem imageCorner:"..."
update gridLayoutCardItem source:"field | var" images:"..."
update gridLayoutCardItem source:"field | var" line:"first | second | third | fourth | fifth" segment:"first | middle | caption" text:"..."
update gridLayoutCardItem source:"field | var" line:"first | second | third | fourth | fifth" segment:"first | middle | caption" color:"..."
update gridLayoutCardItem source:"field | var" line:"first | second | third | fourth | fifth" segment:"first | middle | caption" font:"..."
update gridLayoutCardItem source:"field | var" showLabels:"true | false | yes | no"

imageCorner : null | Variable of type: imageCorner | Variable value of type: imageCorner

images : null | @empty | GridOrSectionFields | Variables ...

text : null | GridOrSectionFields | Variables ... | Variable value of type: text

color : null | Field | Variable | color type variable value

font : null | Field | Variable | font type variable value