Neome widget
Neome widget is a Javascript library that you can embed into your website to access neome enterprises.
The methods are self-explanatory, here's a small overview on all the available methods:
embed(config:NeomeWidgetEmbed): () => void
- embed neome app in element and return callback which removes the app from element.
floating(config:NeomeWidgetFloating): () => void
- floats the neome app in element and return callback which removes the app from element.
embedDeeplink(config:NeomeWidgetDeeplink): () => void
- embed neome deeplink in element and return callback which removes the deeplink from element.
Config NeomeWidget
This is main config which is super class of NeomeWidgetEmbed and NeomeWidgetFloating.
NeomeWidgetEmbed has same config as NeomeWidget.
Name | Value | Description |
id (required) | string | id is an id of widget, it must be same of element id in which you want to embed or float the app. |
hostUrl (required) | string | if you have on premise plan then use url of your server else use . |
allowPersonalChat | boolean | Filter all enterprise groups in app and only allows personal chat like local groups and normal chats . |
demoFlag | boolean | Demo flag prevents editing in app. |
filterEntId | string | Filter specific enterprise in app. |
selectGroupId | string | Preselect group as the app opens. |
selectGroupIdBackButton | boolean | Allow to go back if group is pre selected. |
allowProduction | boolean | Allow to view production in app. |
allowStore | boolean | Allow to view store in app. |
allowStudio | boolean | Allow to view studio in app. |
allowTerminal | boolean | Allow to view terminal in app. |
signInWithoutCookie | boolean | For multiple widget, if true it will create individual login instances else all the login will be same across the hostUrl |
userCredentials | IWidgetCredential[] | Array of IWidgetCredential , it will select random credentials and will auto sign in in the app |
Config NeomeWidgetFloating
Name | Value | Description |
id (required) | string | id is an id of widget, it must be same of element id in which you want to embed or float the app. |
disableBadgeCount | boolean | Disable badge count number in floating button |
floatingButtonIconSrc | string | Choose any image as an icon for floating button. |
widgetHeight | number | Height of widget popup (default 650). |
widgetWidth | number | Width of widget popup (default 350). |
Config NeomeWidgetDeeplink
Name | Value | Description |
id (required) | string | id is an id of deeplink widget, it must be same of element id in which you want to embed the deeplink. |
hostUrl (required) | string | url of deeplink you want to embed. |
signInWithoutCookie | boolean | For multiple deeplink widget, if true it will create individual login instances, else all the login will be same across the hostUrl |
userCredentials | IWidgetCredential[] | Array of IWidgetCredential , it will select random credentials and will auto sign in in the app |
There are two ways of installing neome widget :
(1) Direct react component
(2) Insert script on your website
(1) Direct react component
yarn add @neome/widget
npm i @neome/widget
Embedding neome in element
import {embed, NeomeWidgetEmbed} from "@neome/widget";
import {useEffect} from "react";
function EmbedNeome()
const id = "neomeEmbed"
useEffect(() =>
const remove = embed({
id: id,
hostUrl: "",
allowPersonalChat: true,
allowTerminal: true,
selectGroupId: "groupId",
selectGroupIdBackButton: true,
filterEntId: "entId"
} as NeomeWidgetEmbed)
return () =>
}, [])
return (
width: "300px",
height: "600px",
// Points to remember 👇🏻
👉🏻 config id and element in which you want to render must be same
👉🏻 Don't forget to include width and height in which element you are embeding
minimun width is 280 and minimum height is 400 to render
👉🏻 "embed" function returns a callback which removes the app from element (optional)
Floating neome in element
import {floating, NeomeWidgetFloating, IWidgetCredential} from "@neome/widget";
import {useEffect} from "react";
function FloatingNeome()
const id = "neomeFloating"
useEffect(() =>
const remove = floating({
id: id,
hostUrl: "",
allowStudio: true,
disableBadgeCount: true,
widgetWidth: 400,
widgetHeight: 700,
userCredentials: [
handle: "[email protected]",
password: "password"
] as IWidgetCredential[]
} as NeomeWidgetFloating)
return () =>
}, [])
return (
// position element however want to display anywhere in screen
// here the widget is positioned to bottom right
position: "fixed",
bottom: "32px",
right: "32px"
// Points to remember 👇🏻
👉🏻 config id and element in which you want to render must be same
👉🏻 "floating" function returns a callback which removes the app from element (optional)
Embedding deeplink in element
import {embedDeeplink, NeomeWidgetDeeplink} from "@neome/widget";
import {useEffect} from "react";
function EmebdDeeplink()
const id = "neomeEmbedDeeplink"
const hostUrl = "url_of_deeplink" // url of deeplink;
useEffect(() =>
const remove = embedDeeplink({
id: id,
hostUrl: hostUrl
} as NeomeWidgetDeeplink)
return () =>
}, [])
return (
width: "300px",
height: "600px",
// Points to remember 👇🏻
👉🏻 config id and element in which you want to render must be same
(2) Insert script on your website
in script tag, and you can use all the methods in
your project.
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Using CDN</title>
<!-- Add CDN script -->
<script type="module">
<!-- Here you can use embed, floating and embedDeeplink function -->
id: "neomeEmbed",
hostUrl: "",
allowPersonalChat: true,
allowTerminal: true,
selectGroupId: "groupId",
filterEntId: "entId"
style="width:1000px;height: 650px;"
Points to remember 👇🏻
👉🏻 config id and element in which you want to render must be same