Payment collection sheet
1. Variables
// picker variable for payment type
ensure var VarSetOfTextPaymentType kind: setOfText
deploy: fixedOnDeploy
value: "<root>
<node key='neft'>NEFT/RTGS</node>
<node key='cheque'>Cheque</node>
<node key='cash'>Cash</node>
2. PaymentCollectionSheet
// this spreadsheet stores payment collection data
ensure spreadsheet: PaymentCollectionSheet
withFields: [Date]
ofTypes: [date]
removeRoleSet: [Owner]
insertRoleSet: [Agent]
updateRoleSet: [Owner]
readRoleSet: [Owner]
ensure form EntityPayment label: "Payment Collection"
ensure section: Details
ensure field VisitRef kind: ref
spreadsheet: VisitBook
copyFieldMap: {
'VisitRowId': '$RowId',
'CustomerName': 'CustomerName',
'MobileNumber': 'MobileNumber',
'CustomerType': 'CustomerType',
'GSTNo': 'GSTNo'
layoutSpreadsheet: ListLayout
ensure field Amount kind: number
ensure field PaymentMode kind: pickText sourceVar: VarSetOfTextPaymentType
ensure field DepositDate kind: date
ensure field ChequeImage kind: camera
placeHolder: "Cheque Image"
helperText: "Cheque Image"
showLabel: false
ensure field Attachment kind: document fileTypeSet: ["any"]
ensure field Remarks kind: paragraph
ensure visibilityRule IfCheque
condition: "<root>
<stmt>Details.PaymentMode == ${d:PaymentMode.cheque}</stmt>
ensure actionMapIfTrue ShowChequeImage
comp: Details.ChequeImage
visibilityAction: visible
ensure actionMapIfTrue ShowDepositDate
comp: Details.DepositDate
visibilityAction: visible
ensure visibilityRule NotCheque
condition: "<root>
<stmt>Details.PaymentMode != ${d:PaymentMode.cheque}</stmt>
ensure actionMapIfTrue HideChequeImage
comp: Details.ChequeImage
visibilityAction: hidden
ensure actionMapIfTrue HideDepositDate
comp: Details.DepositDate
visibilityAction: hidden
ensure visibilityRule PaymentModeNEFT
condition: "<root>
<stmt>Details.PaymentMode == ${d:PaymentMode.neft}</stmt>
ensure actionMapIfTrue ShowAttachment
comp: Details.Attachment
visibilityAction: visible
visibilityActionOn: field
ensure actionMapIfFalse HideAttachment
comp: Details.Attachment
visibilityAction: hidden
visibilityActionOn: field
1. AddPaymentCollection
// this action will insert payment collection to spreadsheet
ensure action AddPaymentCollection kind: rowInsert
icon: "AddCardRounded"
spreadsheet: PaymentCollectionSheet
sendMessageToInbox: true
2. ViewPaymentCollectionSheet
// this action will allow user to view and edit payment
ensure spreadsheet PaymentCollectionSheet
ensure layoutSpreadsheet TableLayout kind: table
showComps: [Date, CustomerName, MobileNumber, CustomerType, GSTNo, Amount, PaymentMode]
ensure action ViewPaymentCollectionSheet kind: spreadsheetEditor
icon: "ViewListRounded"
spreadsheet: PaymentCollectionSheet
layoutSpreadsheet: TableLayout
3. Group actions
// this group has all the actions those can be performed on payment
ensure group MyVisits
pinnedActions: [AddVisit, AddOrder, AddPaymentCollection, ViewVisitSheet, ViewOrderBook, ViewPaymentCollectionSheet, CallReportVisit, CallReportMonthlySales]
pinnedActionSetMobile: [AddVisit, AddOrder, AddPaymentCollection]
actionPermission: {
'AddPaymentCollection': {
'menuGroup': '1',
'roles': [
'ViewPaymentCollectionSheet': {
'menuGroup': '2',
'roles': [